
Low Porosity Hair: What is It and How to Identify If You Have?

Low Porosity Hair
Low Porosity Vs High Porosity Hair

Do you dream of having soft and silky hair? Then you should understand your hair porosity. It will help you know how you should take care of your hair. Many of you may have different types of hair, such as some will have low porosity hair and some will have high porosity hair. However, how can you identify if you have any of the mentioned types? In today’s blog, we’ll discuss low vs high porosity hair, how can you identify if you have and what treatment options you can follow. Let’s get started:

What is Low Porosity Hair?

Before we discuss what it is, you must know about hair structure. Hair consists of three layers: the cuticle, the cortex, and the medulla. The outer protective layer of hair is the cuticle. It comprises overlapping cells. The cortex consists of the body and pigment of the hair. It constitutes keratin filaments and fibrous proteins. The medulla creates the innermost layer of the hair. It is composed of a thin core of transparent cells and air spaces.
With this type of hair, the cuticle overlaps each other, and because of the lack of space between the cuticles, water or other products can’t penetrate inside to provide moisture to the scalp.

Low Porosity Vs High Porosity Hair

When your hair comes under the category of low porosity hair, then the cuticles are enriched densely with no spaces in between, and this thing makes it difficult for oils, water, or conditioner molecules to enter. In a nutshell, the hair can’t absorb moisturizer. Your hair may come into the low porosity category if:

  • Any hair product doesn’t get into the scalp
  • In response to protein treatment, your hair becomes stiff
  • It may take some time to get fully wet when you take a shower
  • Your hair may take some time to get dry

On the other hand, when your hair falls into the category of high porosity hair, then there is enough space between the cuticles. Thus, water and other products can easily get into the hair and moisturize it. Your hair may come into the high porosity category if:

  • Get wet with water quickly
  • Dries quickly
  • Absorb hair products easily and quickly
  • Often feels frizzy or dry

Well, now you have an idea of what comes under low vs high porosity hair. Now, the question arises of how you can identify whether your hair is low porosity or high porosity.

How Can You Test If You Have Hair with Low Porosity?

There are various methods to test hair porosity. The float test is one of the easiest methods. In this method, put a clean hair strand in a water container at room temperature. If before sinking, your hair strand floats, it intends to be less porous. If it sinks, then it is considered highly porous. Other testing methods are:

  • Spray Test
    In this method, you need to spray water on dry, clean hair and wait for the results. Hair with low porosity will less likely to absorb the water and will take some time to dry.
  • Fiber Swelling
    After exposure to water, it will measure hair fiber dimensions. However, it would be difficult to do it at home.
  • Dynamic Vapor Sorption
    This method will measure the hair weight, but again, it can’t be tested at home.

How to Moisturize Low Porosity Hair?

The following are some methods to moisturize hair with low porosity:

  • Steam Hair
    Hair steaming is one of the best methods to get your cuticles to open so that they can absorb moisture. You can use a hair steam cap, and when you apply heat, the cuticles will lift naturally and making it easier for moisturizers to get absorbed into the strand of hair.
  • Apply the Greenhouse Effect
    With the help of this method, your cuticles can easily lift, and you can moisturize your hair. After that, put on a shower cap over your hair. If you are not going outside or it is overnight, you can do this. Your hair will feel quite warm when you take off a shower cap.
  • Clean Your Hair
    Every couple of weeks, you need to clarify your hair. If you don’t clarify your hair, then your hair strands will collect products that you applied last time and then, it will be difficult for your hair strands to get the moisture that your hair needs. Apart from this, you can apply deep conditioner for low porosity hair.
  • Midweek Moisturizing
    For your hair, midweek moisturizing is essential. By the end of the week, your hair will feel dry if you don’t do this. If you want soft natural hair, then it is mandatory to do it.


If you have low porosity hair and looking for different methods to moisturize it, then this blog is especially for you. Despite this, you will also come to know the difference between low and high porosity hair. You can keep yourself updated with new health and fitness-related blogs by subscribing to Personal Care N Heal.

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