Depression is a very common mood disorder. Since there are many different factors that can cause it to appear in people.
In this psychopathology, genetic predispositions and experiences are the mix that is as varied as life itself, that is, practically infinite. That is why it is so complex and difficult to understand because it can affect people with apparently very different lives. And even with clearly distant socioeconomic status.
However, thanks to decades of research, we now know that there are a number of experiences that are more likely than others to lead to depression. We are going to focus on a series of behavior patterns capable of increasing the chances of suffering from depression and that can be included within the concept of passivity.
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This is how passivity predisposes us to depression
It should be clear that it is impossible to predict who will develop depression and who will not. Each person is a world, and History is full of examples in which we see how the less privileged cope relatively well in the face of catastrophic events, and of members of the economic elite with seemingly perfect lives who nevertheless feel very miserable.
But beyond this fact, it cannot be ignored that there is evidence about habits, attitudes, and ways of life that lead us towards this psychological disorder, at least from the point of view of statistics and probabilities. For example, we know that this is what happens with various patterns of behavior associated with passivity (physical and psychological). They are as follows.
Neglecting the sleep schedule
Not worrying about keeping a certain control over the number of hours we sleep and when we go to bed is often expensive. Even if we don’t realize it, after just a few days living that way, our mental agility decreases a lot, making it harder for us to concentrate and we are worse at reasoning (at least, as long as we don’t get to sleep properly again for several days in a row).
But it is also known that beyond the wear and tear it causes on our cognitive abilities, the lack of quality sleep makes us more vulnerable to depression. This could be due to the fact that through the physical wear and tear it generates on our nervous system, our brain is more exposed to inflammatory processes, which are known to be one of the biological causes of depression.
The qualms when asking for help
For many people, the idea of asking for help from loved ones or members of the close social circle is almost impossible to conceive. This is what happens with those who consider that the default way of living is to be a totally autonomous human being, who only resorts to asking for the support of others in extreme situations … and by dint of never doing so, for when the time comes to be vulnerable For others to lend a hand, it is already an action that breaks too much with the “comfort zone”.
In this sense, moving forward without realizing that certain challenges are not meant to be faced without help is a passive attitude, although paradoxically it usually leads to physically and/or psychologically exhausted. And with this deterioration of health, the cracks appear through which the most frequent psychological disorders, such as depression, can slip.
In fact, there are scientific hypotheses that seek the evolutionary usefulness of depression and according to which this psychopathology could be a way to have the collaboration and help of others in an unconscious and indirect way. If for whatever reason we do not put the will to openly acknowledge our limitations, the biological and unconscious processes of our body would do it for us … although of course, sometimes this mechanism would fail, activating at times when it cannot be helpful and in which it is in itself an added problem, as sometimes happens with anxiety, for example.
It is a logic taken to the extreme of what usually happens when we cry near people who know us; We must not forget that the most basic action that we usually associate with sadness and hopelessness, shedding a few tears, is probably a mechanism that has emerged to communicate to others that we are not well.
Light hobbies typical of a sedentary lifestyle
Hobbies linked to a sedentary lifestyle, such as spending long times on the couch watching television, are also associating with an increased risk of developing depression.
This may be due to the lack of significant stimuli they offer, combined with the absence of stimulating challenges on which to focus: those who limit themselves to watching what television channels broadcast or observe what others post on social networks only consume content already finished, they do not lend themselves to participate in them in any way.
Tendency to isolate
Social isolation, the lack of a habit of reaching out to others to interact face-to-face with them, also seems to increase the chances of experiencing depression. This may be due both to a greater predisposition to live in an unhealthy way (lack of hygiene, poor diet, use of legal or illegal drugs, etc.) because there are fewer incentives to maintain a good image and/or an environment of Healthy life.
It can also be simply due to a lack of stimulating or novel experiences. If we are always alone, it is more likely that we end up always living the same type of experiences, and always doing the same, until a point comes where we no longer expect anything good from the future. And from what is known, depression is supported by a vicious circle in which we settle into a way of life marked by the lack of stimuli and by our inability to “connect” emotionally with projects that in other circumstances would have interested us or even excited.
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For this reason, many forms of psychotherapy are based on helping the person to re-actively engage in stimulating activities. However simple they may be at first, to gradually gain “inertia” and regain the ability to enjoy.
If you think that you are suffering from symptoms of depression or you feel bad because in your day to day you experience a low mood, we suggest that you contact professionals.