According to a new report, approximately 200 children have suffered acute hepatitis as a result of an unexplained reason. In other cases, the condition was so severe that children required a liver transplant. Experts claim the cause is unknown after evaluating the available data, but they are looking into whether a form of adenovirus can be involved.
Health officials around the world are baffled and alarmed about unexplained occurrences of hepatitis in children. According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, at least 191 cases have been documented in the United Kingdom, Europe, the United States, Canada, Japan, and Israel. The leading hypothesis is that adenovirus infection is linked to the puzzling rise in severe hepatitis cases in youngsters, according to the researchers.
What is Hepatitis?
Hepatitis is a liver inflammation. Inflammation is the swelling that occurs when body tissues are diseased or harmed. It has the potential to damage the liver organ. Your liver’s ability to function may be harmed as a result of the damage and swelling.
Hepatitis is classified as either a chronic (long-term) or an acute (short-term) infection. Acute infections are caused by some types of hepatitis. Acute and chronic infections can be caused by other types.
What are the Causes of Hepatitis?
There are several types of hepatitis, each with its own set of causes:
- The most frequent form is viral hepatitis. Hepatitis viruses A, D, B, E, and C are among the viruses that cause hepatitis disease. A, C, and B are the most frequent in the United States.
- Heavy alcohol use causes alcoholic hepatitis.
- Certain supplements poisons, drugs, or chemicals, can induce toxic hepatitis.
- Autoimmune hepatitis is a type of chronic hepatitis in which the liver is destroyed by the immune system. Although the origin is unknown, genetics and your surroundings may have an influence.
How is Viral Hepatitis Spread?
- Hepatitis A and E are spread mostly by contact with contaminated food or water from an infected person’s feces. Hepatitis E can also be contracted by eating raw seafood, deer, or pig.
- Hepatitis D, C, and B are transmitted by coming into touch with someone’s blood that has the disease. Hepatitis D and B can also be passed on by bodily fluids. This can occur in various forms, like sharing drug needles or engaging in unprotected intercourse.
Who is at Risk for Hepatitis?
The dangers associated with various types of hepatitis vary. Most viral types, for an instance, increase your risk if you have unprotected intercourse with someone. Alcoholic hepatitis is a disease that affects people who drink excessively over a long period of time.
What are the Symptoms of Hepatitis?
Some persons who do not have hepatitis have no symptoms and are unaware that they are infected. If you do have symptoms, it could include the following:
- Fever
- Loss of Appetite
- Fatigue
- Abdominal Pain
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Dark Urine
- Joint Pain
- Jaundice, (Yellow Eyes and Skin)
- Clay-Colored Bowel Movements
If someone has a severe infection, someone may experience symptoms anywhere from two weeks to six months after becoming afflicted. If someone has a long-term infection, they may not notice symptoms for many years.
What Other Problems can Hepatitis Cause?
Cirrhosis (liver scarring), liver cancer, and liver failure are all complications of chronic hepatitis. These effects may be avoided if chronic hepatitis is diagnosed and treated early.
How to Diagnose Hepatitis?
Your doctor will perform the following tests to determine if you have hepatitis:
- Will inquire about your symptoms and your medical history
- Will conduct a physical examination
- Will most likely perform blood testing, including viral hepatitis tests
- Imaging tests, such as an ultrasound, MRI, or CT scan may be performed
- To acquire a definitive diagnosis and check for liver damage, a liver biopsy may be required
Can Hepatitis Be Prevented?
Depending on the type of hepatitis, there are several ways to avoid or reduce the risk. For example, avoiding excessive alcohol use can help prevent alcoholic hepatitis. Hepatitis B and A can be prevented with vaccinations. Hepatitis caused by autoimmunity is incurable.
Final Say
We truly hope that you got all the information regarding the Hepatitis whose case was detected in Europe. If anyone has these symptoms they can contact the doctor and take the prescribed tests and medicines. We also offer more information regarding health, food, mental health, fitness, cycling, etc., which you can read for the betterment of your life.