Having miscarriages is common, but if you are having more than two times, then you must consult with a professional. Getting negative results after having positive test can ruin your happiness, but you must know the reason behind this problem. Basically, the common term that can be used for this problem, “chemical pregnancy” which is also known as “biochemical pregnancy”. Biochemical pregnancy causes miscarriage within a few weeks after implantation.
Let’s discuss biochemical pregnancy in Detail
Definition of Biochemical Pregnancy
As defined earlier, biochemical pregnancy is an early miscarriage that happens within few days of pregnancy. The fertilized egg generates an amount of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) for the pregnancy hormones so they can be detected in the very first pregnancy test, however, they don’t progress into clinical pregnancy.
But nowadays, pregnancy tests can detect a limited amount of HCG that is unleashed one to two weeks after your periods are missed. In a nutshell, a biochemical pregnancy stops developing before it can be seen in an ultrasound.
Most of the time, miscarriages occur when a normal sperm fertilizes an abnormal egg when a normal egg fertilized by an abnormal sperm, or due to abnormal cell division following normal fertilization.
What Are The Reasons Associated With Biochemical Pregnancy?
The exact cause of biochemical pregnancy is not detected, but in many cases, it occurs because of chromosomal abnormality in the fertilized egg that is made it non-viable from the initial stage. Whenever the body identifies it, then the body stops the pregnancy after implantation. Additional causes of biochemical pregnancy:
- Implantation of the outer side of the uterus
- Uterine abnormalities
- Imbalance hormone level
- Infections like syphilis and Chlamydia
- Thyroid malfunction
- Not proper lining of the uterus
- Blood clotting dysfunction
- Abnormalities in uterus shape (present from the birth time)
- Uterine fibroids
Does Biochemical Pregnancy Contain Any Symptom?
Basically, chemical or biochemical pregnancy doesn’t contain any symptoms, except missed periods or late periods. Additionally, some women feel cramps than normal or a heavier period flow than normal. There are some women who don’t even realize that they were pregnant. Since your hormone level of pregnancy is present but low, at that time, you may don’t experience any other sign of pregnancy.
One thing that you need to keep in your mind is that not every time when you bleed is a chemical pregnancy. This can happen due to implantation when the embryo joins with the uterus. In this process, tiny blood cells can be damaged along with the uterine lining, and as a result, your blood will release. Most often, spotting appears as brownish or pinkish discharge, but it is normally between 10-14 days after conception.
Biochemical pregnancy doesn’t remain long-lasting to develop pregnancy-related signs like fatigue and nausea. Miscarriages of this type can occur at any time, but most commonly it happens before the 20th week. Biochemical pregnancy happens earlier after implantation. Well, the most common symptoms are having menstrual cramps and bleeding.
What Treatment Plan can be opted For Biochemical Pregnancy?
Basically, there is no particular treatment for this, but there are some options to conceive again. In the case, if you have already experienced more than one biochemical pregnancy, then you must consider taking help from the doctor, so they can run tests to identify the problem. If your doctor can get what causes chemical pregnancy, then chances will be reduced of miscarriage. Consider taking anti-biotic, if you are suffering from infection and improve your chances to conceive. You need to have surgical treatment if a miscarriage occurs because of a uterus problem.
If you have an infection, then you can take an anti-biotic to clear the infection and enhance your chances to conceive and have a healthy delivery. If a miscarriage happens due to a uterus problem, then you need surgical treatment to resolve the issue and get healthy pregnancy. You must know only biochemical pregnancy is not responsible that cause body to generate the pregnancy hormones. However, a high-level of HCG can also occur along with ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when an egg implants the outer side of the uterus.
Recovery after a Biochemical Pregnancy
No matter what kind of miscarriage you have had, but the thing is at that time, you have to manage your emotions. Don’t blame yourself for pregnancy loss because it is not your fault, but it is natural. If you have been trying for a long time, and still, you are having a miscarriage, then this is a very big disappointment.
Well, at that time, you must get some rest and give yourself some time to recover from it. Spend some time with your spouse, friends, and family member to get rid of this grief and anxiety. If you are feeling stress or anxiety, then it is recommended to consult with your doctor.
Summing Up
After reading all the above points, now you can have an idea about what exactly biochemical pregnancy is and what can cause chemical pregnancy, and how you can recover from it. But, it doesn’t mean that you can’t conceive healthy pregnancy, but it only means that it can happen with anyone but, all you need to get the proper treatment to minimize the cause.
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