
Ketoconazole Cream Uses in Hindi and its Side Effects

Ketoconazole Cream Uses in Hindi
Ketoconazole Cream Uses in Hindi and its Side Effects

Many times, people suffer from different types of skin infections such as jock itch, athlete’s foot, ringworm, and certain types of dandruff. If you are suffering from any of these types of skin conditions, then you can use Ketoconazole cream, which is effective in treating skin infections. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss Ketoconazole cream uses in Hindi, its side effects, dosage and much more.

What is Ketoconazole Cream?

Ketoconazole is considered antifungal medicine and is used to treat skin infections caused because of fungus. This medication can be used to prevent skin infections from coming back. This cream kills the fungi that cause infections, such as blisters, athlete’s foot, and ringworm. Ketoconazole cream should be used to treat these kinds of skin infections and it should be applied as per prescribed by the doctor. If you want to get maximum benefits, then you can use it daily or as recommended by your doctor.  However, make sure not to overuse it because it will not improve skin infection but maybe it can lead to some severe side effects.

Don’t use this medication for more than the duration suggested by your physician, and inform your doctor if your condition doesn’t improve after following the medication for 2 to 4 weeks.

Ketoconazole Cream Uses in Hindi

If you are experiencing a skin infection because of fungus, then you can apply this medication. If you have the following conditions, then you can apply Ketoconazole cream:

  • Treats athlete’s foot. (एथलीट फुट का इलाज करता है)
  • Treats jock itch, which is an infection in the groin area. (जॉक खुजली का इलाज करता है, जो ग्रोइन क्षेत्र में एक संक्रमण है)
  • Effective for treating sweat rash that is normally in the folds of skin. (आमतौर पर त्वचा की सिलवटों में होने वाले पसीने के चकत्तों के इलाज के लिए प्रभावी)
  • Treats seborrhoeic dermatitis and dandruff where your scalp becomes dry or greasy. (सेबोरहाइक डर्मेटाइटिस और डैंड्रफ का इलाज करता है जहां आपकी खोपड़ी शुष्क या चिकना हो जाती है)
  • Treats pityriasis Versicolor, where small patches of skin change color and become scaly. (पायरियासिस वर्सिकलर का इलाज करता है, जहां त्वचा के छोटे-छोटे धब्बे रंग बदलते हैं और पपड़ीदार हो जाते हैं।)

Ketoconazole is available in shampoo and cream. You can easily buy Ketoconazole shampoo and creams from supermarkets and pharmacies. It also comes in tablets but these are used for treating rare conditions known as Cushing’s syndrome. When it comes to ketoconazole cream 2% uses in Hindi, you can read the above uses because Kz 2% cream is used for the treatment of tinea cruris, tinea corporis, tinea versicolor, seborrheic dermatitis, and cutaneous candidiasis.

How to Use Ketoconazole Cream?

Take a look at the following section to know how you can apply this cream on an infected area:

  • Wash and pat dry an infected area of the skin. If you are about to apply it on your feet, then you should make sure the area between your toes must be dry.
  • Use your personal towel because it will stop the infection from spreading.
  • Now, gently apply ketoconazole cream to the infected area. Usually, you need to apply a small amount of cream or it will depend on the size of the affected area you are treating. Make sure you don’t apply cream near your eyes or mouth and if accidentally it gets into your eyes or mouth, then rinse with water.
  • After applying the cream, ensure to wash your hands properly.

Whether you are looking for ketoconazole cream uses or ketoconazole beclomethasone dipropionate cream uses in Hindi, the uses are the same as these medications are used to treat skin infections.

Side Effects of Ketoconazole Cream

  • Scaly skin
  • Itching
  • Skin irritation
  • Redness on the skin
  • Sensation or burning on the skin

These are some common side effects of using ketoconazole cream, but you can’t overlook ketoconazole and beclomethasone dipropionate cream uses in Hindi.

Important Facts about Ketoconazole Cream

  • Usually, ketoconazole works within 2 to 3 weeks for skin infection but it can take 6 weeks if you are suffering from athlete’s foot.
  • It works by killing fungi that cause infections.
  • The most common side effect of using ketoconazole cream is irritated or red skin.
  • For most infections, you can use the cream once or twice a day.

Who Can and Can’t Use Ketoconazole?

Ketoconazole cream can be used by adults and children aged above 12 years. This cream is not appropriate for everyone. Therefore, make sure to ask your doctor before using it if you have had an allergic reaction to this cream. Apart from this, ketoconazole cream bp 2 uses in Hindi are mentioned above.


The blog shares information on the uses of ketoconazole cream, its side effects and key facts about this medication. If you are experiencing any type of skin infection, then you can use this cream. However, the cream also has some side effects, so make sure to speak with your doctor before applying it. Besides this, you can subscribe to Personal Care N Heal to get updates on latest health and fitness-related blogs.

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