
When will Children Get Covid-19 Vaccine?

When will Children Get Covid-19 Vaccine

Everyone is curious to know when will children get vaccine? Well, there is no current availability of covid-19 vaccine for kids. Another question arises, how long preparation will take for the vaccine? Why scientists are taking so long time to prepare the covid-19 vaccine for kids? To know more about these similar questions keep reading this blog:

As schools are opening and parents are worried because there is no vaccine for kids yet. No one wants their child to get affected by covid-19. The covid-19 outbreak is increasing the tension of parents. In Haryana, 54 children were alleged corona positive from a school last week. In various parts of the country, Covid cases are increasing inside the school. But, there is sad news that no corona vaccine has been made for children. People want to know why it is taking time to the preparation of the vaccine. When will children get vaccine? Why is it important for children to get the covid-19 vaccine? Let’s get answers to such questions.

Why is Covid-19 Vaccine for Kids Important?

Till now, you may know that children have mild symptoms of Covid-19, but they still can spread the infection to others. Hence, if the child has symptoms of the corona, then he/she can infect others or older generations who are at higher risk of Covid-19 in the house. Children’s immunization can protect adults. If children get vaccinated, then they can have several benefits:

  • Fewer chances of spreading Coronavirus to others
  • Reproduction of corona cases will stop
  • No need to close schools when Coronavirus outbreaks

A Separate Child Vaccine Trial. Why?

There are 8 Covid vaccines that are being utilized worldwide. Now, the question arises, why can’t children get covid vaccine? Why are fresh trials important? Basically, experts say, adolescents and children don’t respond to vaccines in the way the immunity of adults does. The immunity of children can respond faster to the vaccine. In such a situation, for children, small doses of vaccines can be enough. But, keep one thing in mind that responses can vary according to age. Hence, it is vital to know the number of doses required for each age group for that trial needs to be done.

When will Corona Vaccine Come for Kids?

To be honest, it is pretty much difficult to say when will children get covid-19 vaccine. As you know Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is found appropriate for children, but still immediate vaccination is not possible, even it is effective without changing the dosage and schedule. The supply of vaccines is limited, and mostly, elder people are getting vaccines. Even if any vaccine is approved for children, but sill they have to wait.

In a nutshell, no children under 16 are able to get the covid vaccine. Children are having a serious illness and they are dying due to covid-19, but at lower rates as compared to adults. But still, children can spread the virus than adults. As we have mentioned, it completely depends on the age, but some teenagers are ready to get covid-19 vaccines as soon as possible.

Teenagers of 16 ages can get the Pfizer vaccine, which means some high schoolers can get a dose of the vaccine when they become eligible, either due to medical conditions or others.

Moderna and Pfizer have completed the enrollment to conduct the deep study of children ages 12 and older, and it has been expected to release the data over the summer. If they clear the results, then the covid-19 vaccine for kids will be available. The Moderna vaccine can be applied to people age 18 and older. Testing for the younger group would be difficult because they may need different doses, or they may have different responses.


Basically, various experts and scientists have been experimenting and developing vaccines so that children get covid vaccine. The risk rate of children is lower than adults, but children can have mild symptoms of corona and they are more likely to spread the virus than adults. Scientists are still experimenting to get the vaccine for kids, but there is no clear statement that can prove the exact date when will children get covid vaccine.

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