
World No Smoking Day 2021: Importance of No Smoking Day


No smoking day is dedicated to raising awareness against smoking because smoking leads to various health problems. Every year, world no-smoking day is celebrated on the second Wednesday of March. This year, no smoking day 2021 in India and everywhere is marked on March 10, which means today is no smoking day. Various people and organizations share no smoking day 2021 images to motivate those people who are addicted to smoking.

Despite this, people search for no smoking day 2021 images and no smoking day 2021 quotes as well to promote international no smoking day 2021.

Basically, the purpose of celebrating no smoking day every year is to spread awareness that it can break your healthy habits. On this day, you can share no smoking day 2021 quotes to aware people about the harmful effects of smoking and prevent them from getting addicted to smoking.

History and Significance of ‘No Smoking Day’

No smoking day was started in the United Kingdom in 1984 for raising awareness against the unhealthy habit of smoking. Because of Ash Wednesday, the day Wednesday was chosen. Since then, every year on the second Wednesday of March, no smoking day is celebrated.

When is World No Smoking Day in 2021?

World no smoking day 2021 date is March 10, 2021. The reason behind celebrating this day is to prevent people from the harmful health effects of smoking. People who consume tobacco and cigarette need to quit smoking before you quit your life.

With smoking habit, not only you but the people around will also be affected. Therefore, if you are one of those who are addicted to smoking, then quit smoking today. Some people need motivation and dedication to quit smoking that’s why this day ‘No Smoking Day’ is important.

Health Effects of Smoking

Smoking nearly affects every part of the body, and it starts with cough and throat irritation. It also leads to bad breath and bad smell from clothes. Smoker’s teeth start changing their natural color and lead to patchy skin. Over time, it will lead to more serious problems like heart problems, stroke, different types of cancer, pneumonia, and oral cancer is common.

On this special day, various health organizations conduct a campaign to promote ‘no smoking day 2021’ and educate people about the health effects of smoking. And, benefits of quitting smoking.

Skin and Hair Problem: Smoking affects your lifestyle and your looks as well. Your skin will start showing premature wrinkles and spots and so on. You may also feel hair fall because of smoking.

Respiratory Problem: Smoking will have an adverse effect on your lungs that can’t be reversed. Because of smoking, the alveoli get inflamed and can increase breathing issues or asthma.

Lungs Problem: Apart from asthma, smoking can cause Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) or Interstitial Lung Disorder (ILD) that can cause permanent damage to your lung.

Tips to Stop Smoking Addiction

The following are some tips that can help you to get rid of addiction:

  1. Quit Tobacco Products

To quit smoking, you need to first motivate yourself. For this, you can read some no smoking day 2021 quotes as well. And, set date and eliminate all the tobacco products like lighters, cigarettes, and matches, etc.

  1. Avoid Smoking Triggers

It is quite difficult to quit smoking, but if you want to quit and then avoid smoking triggers. Some common triggers like smoking during intaking alcohol, after meal smoking, and temptation to smoke when seeing others smoking. The simple method is avoiding those triggers.

  1. Chew Gum

Instead of smoking, you can use an oral substitute like chew gum that will help to divert your mind. You may have heard about nicotine that prevents people from smoking.

  1. Be Stress-Free

Make yourself stress-free because stress is the main thing that triggers smoking. You can also seek help from your doctor in case of an emergency.

  1. Divert Your Mind

When you feel that you are about to smoke, then try to divert your mind by doing your favorite work. You can watch TV, listen to music, or call a friend. Add healthy food to your diet consisting of fruits and vegetables.

Quit Smoking Today!

Think twice before you start smoking because it can decrease your life span day by day. It will be better to avoid smoking and live a healthy life. Instead of smoking, you must try healthy foods to enhance your body growth.

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