
Allopathy vs Homeopathy vs Ayurveda: Which One to Choose

Allopathy vs Homeopathy vs Ayurveda
Allopathy vs Homeopathy vs Ayurveda

Have you ever compared allopathy vs homeopathy vs Ayurveda? And have you ever concluded which is more effective? However, in this blog, you’ll find a complete comparison between allopathy, homeopathy, and Ayurveda. Choosing the best option to treat any disease could be difficult.
Many people get confused while choosing any one medication between homeopathy, allopathy, and Ayurveda. Allopathy mainly focuses on treating a particular disease with the help of drugs. Homeopathy focuses on the root cause of the disease and treats it so it can never happen again in life. On the other hand, Ayurveda uses medicines from nature.

Allopathy vs Homeopathy vs Ayurveda

  • Allopathy
    Allopathic medicines are also known as allopathy that is based on experimentation, hypothesis, and the outcome of the experiment. Allopathic medicines are widely available all across the world. It is accepted by all countries around the world. In short, in allopathy, there is a medicine or pill that is used to treat a specific disease. But pills may have some side effects. For example, you can consume paracetamol to lower the temperature if you have a fever. But you need to keep one thing in mind that after consuming any pill you can face some side effects.

Benefits of Allopathy

  1. Provides instant relief from symptoms
  2. Allopathy is mostly practiced form of healing
  • Homeopathy
    Homeopathy medicines can trigger the immune system of your body. It does so your body can fight against the disease. The remedies that are provided by homeopathy are safe and effective without causing any side effects.
    Medicines are prepared by diluting many vegetables, plants, synthetic materials in purified water and alcohol in minimum amounts.

Benefits of Homeopathy

  1. It treats the root cause of the problem
  2. It is safe for children, young and old people
  3. It doesn’t have any bad impact on the immune system
  4. Non-toxic, harmless, gentle, and free of side effects
  5. It doesn’t disturb your digestive system
  6. Treat almost all problems in the body
  7. It is effective in treating allergic disorders
  • Ayurveda
    Ayurveda is a conventional Hindu medical approach to treat various health problems. Ayurveda incorporates diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing. Ayurveda emphasizes getting harmony between earth, air, water, ether, and fire. Ayurveda promotes overall well-being and ensures each individual’s spirit, mind, and body are connected with nature.

Benefits of Ayurveda

  1. Medicines are derived from nature and can treat diseases
  2. Emphasizes the root cause of the disease
  3. It is the best method to detox the body
  4. Suggests you stick to nutritional guidelines
  5. Effective in treating allergy, hormonal, inflammatory, and auto-immune conditions
  6. It doesn’t cause any side effects when you take it as prescribed by the doctor

Allopathy vs Homeopathy

It shows long-lasting outcomes.It gives quick and partial relief from an illness but won’t be permanent.
It takes time to show its results as it first focuses on the root cause of the problem.It shows results quickly by forcefully stopping the symptoms of a disease.
Boosts the immune system that helps heal the patient.It can adversely affect the immune system.
It is non-toxic and doesn’t have any side effects.Some medicines may have some side effects.

Now, you know the comparison of allopathy vs homeopathy. No matter whether it is homeopathic medicine or allopathic medicines, each of them possesses different characteristics. If you want the instant result, then you can go for allopathic medicines, otherwise, homeopathic medicine would be the best option.

Comparison of Homeopathy vs Allopathy vs Ayurveda
In this section, we’ll compare all three medicines, i.e. homeopathy, allopathy, and Ayurveda.

1It helps in boosting the immune system and enables you to fight against illnesses.Allopathy treats ailments with the help of drugs.Ayurveda uses vegetables, herbs, minerals, and more to treat ailments.
2Homeopathic medicines are safe and don’t have any side effects. These medicines can identify past diseases and treat the root cause of the disease.Allopathic medicines do the same as Ayurvedic medicines do, but allopathic medicines have some side effects.Ayurveda focuses on healing a specific body part. If you don’t take as prescribed, then it can adversely affect you.
3Homeopathic medicines can treat medical conditions, such as nervous and respiratory disorder, flu, cold, heart disease, depression, diabetes, influenza, etc. when all these can be diagnosed at an early stage.Allopathic medicines can treat a particular disease partially, but they can’t treat the disease from the root.As per Ayurveda doshas, such as Pitta, Vatta, and Kapha are vital and need to be restored for good health. It can be done by sticking to a healthy lifestyle.
4Homeopathy can’t treat disease quickly, it takes time to identify the root cause and then treat the disease.Allopathic medicines are good in the emergency case that’s why people choose allopathy medicines.Ayurveda helps in boosting immunity permanently.

All medicines possess certain benefits and side effects as well. But it is recommended you consume any medicine by taking a prescription from a doctor. Homeopathy treats the root cause of the problems, allopathy has an effective testing and examining system, and Ayurveda uses an individualistic approach. Apart from this, you are aware of the comparison of homeopathy vs allopathy vs Ayurveda.

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