
World Asthma Day 2023: Raising Awareness and Taking Action

World Asthma Day 2023: Raising Awareness and Taking Action

To promote awareness of asthma worldwide, world asthma day is marked on the first Tuesday in May every year and is considered a global healthcare event. This year 2023 world asthma day is commemorated on May 2 (Tuesday). On this day, several local and global organisations become a part of this event to combat this disease in children and adults.

Importance of World Asthma Day 2023

Asthma is the most chronic disease found in children and adults worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) and other governing authorities considered the asthma effect of poverty in countries with low and middle income. According to the WHO, nearly 26.2 crore people are struggling with asthma problems with 4.55 lakh death globally in 2019.

According to the Global Burden of Disease Report (GBDR) 2019, India records the highest count of asthma-affected people in the world in terms of deaths and more than 3.4 crore people in India have asthma. Despite this, 42% of deaths globally are because of asthma.

The 2030 agenda of the United Nations for sustainable development and the global action plan of the World Health Organization for the prevention of non-communicable diseases recognize asthma as a priority. They implement several strategies to increase the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of asthma. In India, people suffering from asthma are facing a high burden of symptoms, absence from jobs and schools, and negative effects on quality of life. Apart from this, researchers in New York City, India, Turkey, Spain, and Bahrain have observed a lack of awareness and care of asthma in children. Therefore, training programmes are important to spread awareness and increase understanding of the needs of children.

What is the Goal of Celebrating World Asthma Day?

According to the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA), the world asthma day 2023 theme is “Asthma Care for All”. It is chosen to encourage countries with enough resources to create and implement asthma management programmes that will include but not be limited to:

  • Updating new information in prevention, control, diagnosis, and treatment to pulmonologists.

  • To conduct a one-day Asthma screening clinic for free of cost that will be sponsored by a pharmaceutical or newspaper company.

  • To create a radio advertisement for World Asthma Day, ways to control asthma and how it can affect hospitalization. 

  • To reach rural areas, organize a diagnostic and treatment bus tour or a customized bus to take affected patients to clinics. 

  • To educate children and adults before or on World Asthma Day by visiting schools and performing peak flow metre tests. 

  • Showing asthma facts, control, therapies, and the connection between uncontrolled asthma and hospitalization in local hospitals. 

  • To implement an informative website by adding asthma clinic information. 

  • To spread awareness among local and national media about World Asthma Day, hospitalizations, the local region’s asthma burden, and asthma control. 

  • To invite asthmatic celebrities and politicians for support.

Asthma Symptoms

The following are the most common asthma symptoms:

  • Cough

  • Breath shortness

  • Wheeze

  • Chest tightness or pain

Not everyone has the same symptoms. You may have only one symptom or you may face various symptoms.

Causes of Asthma

People who are facing asthma problems may have inflamed and sensitive airways that become clogged or narrow with sticky mucus that can be the result of certain triggers. Pollution, genetics and modern hygiene standards have been reported as causes, but there is not enough proof to prove these causes of asthma. The following are some asthma triggers:

  • infections like flu and cold

  • allergies, such as dust mites, pollen, animal feathers or fur

  • fumes, smoke and pollution

  • medicines, specifically anti-inflammatory painkillers like aspirin and ibuprofen

  • emotions, including laughter or stress

  • exercise

  • weather, such as sudden changes in temperature, wind, cold air, heat, thunderstorms, and humidity

Asthma Prevention

You can avoid asthma by following the preventive measures written below:

  • Avoid asthma triggers, such as cold air, air pollution, fragrances, etc.

  • Don’t get in touch with allergens.

  • Avoid smoke from candles, cigarettes, and fireworks.

  • Keep your surroundings clean and dust-free.

  • Don’t go closer to sick people (flu or cold).

  • Don’t avoid taking asthma medications.

  • Take vaccinations on time to prevent diphtheria, pneumonia, tetanus, whooping cough, and zoster vaccine.


The reality is, you can’t cure asthma, but it can be managed if you follow preventive measures. Moreover, you can get this type of health and fitness-related update by subscribing to Personal Care N Heal.

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