
Red Custard Apple Benefits and Side Effects You Can’t Ignore

You may have come across a variety of fruits and one fruit that is unique because of its appearance and extraordinary health benefits – red custard apple. “Bullock’s Heart” or “Red Sitaphal” is another name of this fruit. In this blog, we’ll uncover the amazing health benefits of eating this fruit along with its some side effects that you shouldn’t ignore.

Overview of Red Custard Apple

The scientific name of the red custard apple is Annona reticulata, which is native to the tropical regions of South America and the West Indies. It is from the annonaceae family and is closely related to other fruits like sugar apple and cherimoya. A small red custard apple tree doesn’t need so much care. You can plant it in the garden in any corner. The fruits offer a delicious taste. It needs less water and grows in dry climates. Make sure to plant it in outdoor areas protected from cold winds. It is grown in evenly moist but well-drained soils.

  • Maximum Height: Its height can reach up to 2-4 meters.

  • Blooming Year: It grows in the summer and spring seasons in several parts of India. Sometimes, it may vary depending on the climate of a specific area.

  • Fruiting Time: Fruiting time starts within a year or after 1 year of purchase.

Types of Red Custard Apple

  • African Red Custard Apple: Native to Africa, this variety is known for its unique sweetness and flavour.

  • Asian Red Custard Apple: You can find this variety commonly in Asia and is known for its bright red or pinkish skin.

Red Custard Apple Benefits

Custard apple, also known as Sitaphal, has various health benefits, but it is important to remove the skin and seeds before consuming it. The skin and seeds contain toxins that may adversely affect the brain and the nervous system.

In addition to its sweet taste, custard apple can be added to fruit salads, smoothies, cakes, yogurts, and oatmeal. It is rich in nourishing components that can help manage malnutrition and mineral deficiencies, making it an excellent choice for maintaining good health.

  • Packed with Energy

Custard apple has simple fructose and glucose that can be broken down by the body and offer energy to the body. It has iron that helps cure anaemia and reduce weakness.

  • Improves Skin Health

It is packed with various skin benefits. It is enriched with Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and some vital nutrients like copper and zinc. These powerful nutrients can prevent and treat chronic skin problems, including allergies, acne, abscesses, and other skin problems.

  • Good for Heart

It contains healthy omega-6 fatty acids and unsaturated fats. It works best in improving the cardiac system by preventing cardiovascular conditions, such as heart attacks and strokes.

  • Improves Eye Health

Custard apple or Sitaphal is a fruit that is rich in antioxidants and Vitamin A. These nutrients are crucial for maintaining good eye health. They help in regulating blood circulation in the body, especially to the optic nerves, which can improve vision and eyesight. Additionally, consuming custard apple or Sitaphal can help in delaying or reducing the possibility of developing age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma.

  • Improves Immune System

Custard apple is loaded with Vitamin C. It helps in flushing out certain toxins from the body which helps in protecting the body from oxidative damage. Besides this, Chaney root benefits you and improves your immune system.

  • Digestive Aid

Fibers have the ability to satiate the appetite, which can help resist unhealthy cravings and snacking. This helps in smooth digestion with optimal absorption of nutrients. Custard apples are also rich in Vitamin B, which stimulates metabolism and enhances the body’s ability to convert food into energy. Apart from this, you can have chaney root tea to improve digestive health.

Side Effects of Custard Apple

  • According to one study, parkinsonism develops in some people after eating custard apples regularly because of the presence of bioactive compounds in the fruit.

  • The presence of phytochemicals can lead to brain lesions that can damage the brain tissues.

  • They may produce rashes in some people.


In a nutshell, red custard apple is packed with nutrients that offer numerous health benefits as well as some side effects. You can eat custard apples in moderation. Moreover, keep getting such information from our blogs by subscribing to Personal Care N Heal.

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