To simply put, a Binge eating disorder occurs when you eat too much even when you are full. Basically, when you start eating something, then you are more likely to eat too much that causes a binge eating disorder. Let’s discuss what exactly binge eating disorder is in detail:
General Description of Binge Eating Disorder
Most often, when you suffer from a binge eating disorder, you stop listening to your body and start eating too much. Although, BED can be seen in men and women with normal weight, and BED leads to weight gain. BED leads to excessive overeating and most often happens regularly.
People who struggle with binge eating start feeling guilty and often have depression or anxiety. But, you must know every problem contains a solution. Similarly, binge eating disorder can be cured, and hypnosis treatment is one of them.
What Causes Binge Eating Disorder?
Before you throw yourself to know the treatment to cope with binge eating, you must know the causes. The first thing, identify what triggers overeating and develop a binge eating disorder. The following are some reasons behind your overeating habit:
- Biological
Genetic abnormalities, including genetic mutation or hormonal irregularities, can be associated with BED.
- Emotional & Psychological
Low self-confidence, anxiety, depression, and emotional trauma can lead to binge eating or compulsive overeating.
- Anxiety & Stress
Most often, when people coping with anxiety and stress, they are more likely to overeat. But emotional eating is temporary, so here binge eating can be resolved.
- Social Risk Factors
It can be seen in adults, when someone comments on their body shape if they are skinny or too thin, then they start overeating. Social risk factors can be the reason for binge eating.
Symptoms for Binge Eating Disorder
Once you know the causes of binge eating, now it’s time to know what the symptoms of binge eating disorder are:
- Non-stop eating even after finishing your meal
- Unable to stop eating
- Eating food continually without feeling hungry
- Feeling guilty after overeating
- Eating alone when you feel anxiety or stress
- Hiding food to eat later
- Eating without any eating plan or during no mealtime
- Feeling unsatisfied even after eating a full plate of food
If all of the above symptoms you carry, then you are struggling with a binge eating disorder. For this, you can opt for numerous treatment options.
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Treatment Options to Combat Binge Eating Disorder
Get to know about the primary treatment options that you can apply with ease to manage binge eating:
- Don’t Skip Your Meal
Most often, people avoid food to get their bodies in shape, but when they fail to achieve their target, they start overeating. So, for this reason, it is recommended to eat well and don’t skip your meal. When you skip your meal, most probably, you eat too much when you crave food. Try to stick to your diet and eating schedule because this is the simplest method to stop binge eating.
- Be Mindful While Eating
Mindfulness helps people to focus on their food instead of other things. This is because when you watch TV while eating something, then there are some chances that you’ll overeat. So, try to pay attention to your body and food and identify when you get full. Listen to your body, and when you succeed, then you can control your binge eating disorder.
- Hydrate Your Body
One of the effective ways to stop binge eating is to drink plenty of water throughout the day. It is also recommended to drink one glass of water 30 minutes before you eat to stop overeating. Everyone knows the benefits of water as it can boost metabolism and reduce weight.
- Eat Fiber-Rich Food
Fiber helps to keep you full, and you’ll less likely to overeat. Try to add fiber-rich food to your diet. Intake of fiber can cut-off appetite and reduce food intake.
- Add The Right Food to Your Breakfast
Right food means food that contains low calories and nutrient-dense food. When you fill your plate with the right food, then it can keep you full and reduce hunger.
Additional Treatment Options for Binge Eating
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Basically, CBT analyzes the relationship between emotions, negative thoughts, and behavior for eating food. After analyzing the negative thoughts, then strategies can be implemented to help people. CBT includes goal setting, achieving a daily meal schedule, and changing negative thoughts.
- Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT)
IPT is based on the idea that binge eating is a method to cope with personal problems. Personal problems involve relationship problems, grief, stress, depression, or other social problems. This therapy can be in the form of a group session or a one-to-one basis.
Psychological support in the treatment of anxiety is as much important as medicines. I live in a slam town where we don’t have any groups of support, but I managed to find some via https://www.glowdentaldallas.com/dental-services/valium/. This website doesn’t only publish recommendations on managing anxiety but also allows finding people who also have this problem and know how you feel.
- Medications
Numerous medications help to avoid binge eating and are proven to be cheaper than traditional therapy. They help to reduce hunger, compulsion, and depression as well.
How Does Hypnosis for Binge Eating Work?
According to psychologists, Hypnosis for Binge Eating can help you to stop binge eating. With the help of Hypnosis for Binge Eating, you can engage with your unconscious and make a new alliance to change your lifestyle. When you dedicate yourself to hypnosis session to overcome overeating disorder, then you may notice:
- You start recognizing the compulsive overeating pattern
- You take a step ahead for a practical approach to overcoming overeating
- You start feeling some changes in your life
- You start feeling better about yourself
Hold Yourself Back from Binge Eating Disorder
Before opting for medical treatment for binge eating, first, you must try all of the above tips to manage to overeat. Make sure to identify symptoms and then get to know about causes that trigger binge eating. Once you know the causes, only then it will be beneficial to use the above methods to combat overeating.