
Check Out the Difference between Cheese and Paneer?

Cheese and Paneer
Difference between Cheese and Paneer

Most often, people get confused between cheese and paneer. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss the difference between cheese and paneer along with various facts about cheese and paneer. In India, paneer is commonly used in urban and rural parts. Cheese is gaining popularity in urban areas. Paneer has a completely different taste as compared to cheese. Both paneer and cheese are made from milk. The primary difference between both products is the method in which they are made and the ingredients used in both products.

Read on to learn more about the difference between paneer and cheese, the nutritional benefits, and more. Generally, cheese is made by curdling milk by using a rennet enzyme, and on the other hand, paneer is made by curdling milk by using lemon juice, vinegar, yogurt, etc.

What is the Difference between Cheese and Paneer?

Cheese is made from milk through the acidification process.Paneer is made from the milk by curdling milk with lemon juice, vinegar, etc.
It has higher calories and fat than paneer.It has less fat and calories as compared to cheese.
Emulsification is involved in the preparation of cheese.Emulsification is not involved in the preparation of paneer.
It contains more calcium and protein than paneer.It has less calcium and protein as compared to cheese.
Some popular recipes made from cheese are: cheese pasta, cheese pizza, cheese fondue, etc.Some popular recipes made from paneer are: shahi paneer, paneer tikka, matar paneer, kadai paneer, etc.
You can store it for a long period of time, around 2 to 3 months.You can’t store it for a long period of time. You can’t store it for more than 3 days.

What is Cheese?

Cottage cheese is made from milk by coagulating milk by acidification process. It is made up of the milk of goats, cows, buffalos, etc. For the formation of cheese, rennet enzymes are used. You can have different types of cheese available in the market. They have different textures and flavours. Cheese makers use different herbs, wood smoke, and spices. Sometimes, black pepper, garlic, and chives are used in cheese.

Another difference between paneer and cottage cheese is that cheese has high fat and calories than paneer. Cheese is not good for heart patients. Cheese also has a high amount of protein, so if you want to gain weight and muscles, then you can eat cheese. Cheese has more calcium than paneer, which is good for bones. Cheese goes through an emulsification process that helps it to stay fresh for a long period of time.

What is Paneer?

In India, paneer is also called ‘Farmer’s Cheese.’ The curdling of milk process is involved when making paneer. The difference between cottage cheese and paneer is that while making paneer, you don’t have to use Rennet enzymes. When you make paneer, you only need acidic ingredients, such as:

  • Vinegar (sirca)
  • Lemon juice
  • Yogurt
  • Citric acid

Process of Making Paneer

Add one of the above ingredients when you boil the milk to coagulate the milk. It will become easy for you to separate paneer from the remaining water. During paneer making process, you can add flavouring ingredients such as saffron, green chillies, cumin seeds, and salt to it.

What is the Difference between Cheese and Butter?

Butter and cheese both are made from milk products. Cheese is made up by processing cheese curds. The milk curds are processed and heated to make them acidic. Butter is made up of cream that can be found in whole milk. Now, let’s discuss the nutritional difference between butter and cheese:

  • Cheese minimizes osteoporosis risk because of high calcium content, and on the other hand, butter helps in building healthier muscles.
  • Butter helps in exfoliating dead skin, and cheese nourishes the skin.
  • Cheese has less fat as compared to butter.
  • Cheese contains a high amount of calcium as it has around 700 milligrams of calcium in 100g of cheese and has a smaller amount of zinc, sodium, potassium, and iron. Butter has minerals as it is rich in potassium, calcium, and phosphorous and has a smaller amount of magnesium, sodium, and zinc.
  • Another difference between cheese and butter is that cheese has fewer calories per 100g as compared to butter.

Final Thoughts

Well, the blog has shared complete information on the difference between cheese and paneer, butter and cheese as well. Dairy products have various health benefits when they are consumed in moderate amounts. Cheese, butter, and paneer all have different nutritional values. However, excess consumption can lead to health problems, so make sure to eat these products within the limit. Regular consumption can lead to weight gain and can increase cholesterol levels. Hence, make sure to avoid eating these products in excess.

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