In this modern scenario, many people face mental health dilemmas on regular basis. Anxiety is a very common issue of mental health problems and seems to be rising drastically. However, numerous of the cause of mental health condition is unavoidable; there are certain factors that even exacerbate some of the signs and symptoms.
It is wiser to start with avoiding such trigger that enhances the level of anxiety. The symptoms of anxiety occur differently in individuals. These could be nervousness, sweating, trembling, or other uncomfortable experiences. Swapping out bad habits with good ones works as wonders in case of mild anxiety.
Few Patterns that Exacerbate Anxiety
Complications in Relationships
Having a relationship with friends and members of the family could come up with contentment and happiness. But hurdles in a relationship could be a major cause of anxiety. According to the experts, when relationships are taken for granted, and during the conflicts, we must bear the responsibility for good relationships.
If your relationship is not going towards what you expect, just slow down and think twice about sorting out the things. However, according to experts, if your friend or family member is constantly draining your energy and putting you down, you must limit exposure to that kind of person. This way you can again reach your best with full enthusiasm.
Over-consumption of alcohol
People, who consume alcohol in large quantities, are likely to get caught in the hands of anxiety. Having a few drinks could be a method to relax but this feeling stays only temporarily. After drinking too much, when you wake up the next morning all the things make you feel unhappy due to, and ultimately you feel anxious.
The studies have shown that heavy consumption of alcohol can alter the brain wiring and make you prone to experience such symptoms of anxiety.
If you drink too much, and you feel that you need help, and believe me, things are resolvable. The researchers have noted down that not drinking more than two standard drinks decreases the harm that could be an alcohol-related disease.
You could be super-productive and multitasking. Many times it’s not worth to overload your schedule. You must not overpack yourself with a number of things to do in your diary. Attending too many events in a day and meeting many people regularly could make you feel anxious.
You can reduce the level of anxiety by “choosing the most crucial tasks and keeping others foregoing”.
In this way you can break the schedule into your day, even it could be closing your eyes to be quiet in a serene atmosphere. It is very crucial to bear that the level of energy that can fluctuate regularly; therefore we must tune our bodies frequently.
Over-Consumption of Coffee
Many folks need coffee in the morning to get up from the bed. This habit can come with the cost of enhanced anxiety. “Caffeine could seem to be harmless, but while dealing with anxiety, caffeine can even ignite the symptoms of anxiety”.
Recent studies have claimed, “Stimulant effects of caffeine can turn the anxiety of people to more restless and show stronger symptoms”. Over-consuming coffee shows signs of physiological symptoms of anxiety such as sweating, nervousness, restlessness, and dizziness.
People have even claimed that they have noticed a sudden change in the level of anxiety after just a week of decreasing caffeine from their regular intake.
Watching news most of the times
It’s wiser to stay informed about what’s happening in the surroundings; however, your level of anxiety could hike up if you watch the news in a constant manner. Physiotherapists have concluded that news when coupled with fast music and with negative images can influence drastically on a person’s mind.
To stay updated with what’s happening in the world, there are other ways of less anxiety-inducing. One is to shut the news off and try to read it in a newspaper in small doses. This way you can stay informed of your surroundings and calm.
Not sleeping properly
To balance the hormones, adequate sleep is quite crucial, not sleeping well can cause hormonal imbalance which can aggravate anxiety.
A person who is feeling sleep deprivation might have a serious effect on the levels of anxiety. Lack of sleep can also influence the ability to deal with anxiety. As sleep deprivation is a chronic stressor and can overload the system of the body. Consequently, feeling of low self-esteem and irritability exists that worsens anxiety.
It is recommended to take sleep eight hours a night. Keep yourself calm before going to bed and stick to a healthy sleep schedule.
Over-spending time on social media
It is the dire need of the hour to stay connected with friends via social media. However, there is a cost to bear to get indulged in social media. Spending much time on social media can exacerbate your health in a number of ways, like being exposed to bad news that makes you helpless and hopeless.
You could be comparing your life with your friends and that of relatives when you see their perfect pictures or even celebrities on social media. These modern life habits could be incredibly bad for your brain.
You could be spending unexpected time on social that may debate you from other important activities. Try to set an alarm for 15-20 minutes when you deep dive into the world of social media that will mark that you are done.
Less exercising
According to recent studies, lack of physical activities can shoot up the level of anxiety. Not doing exercise for one day could be tolerable by your body, but not doing it at all can worsen the scenario.
Even the movements of low-intensity can show a drastic effect in your mood. After working, you must go for a walk or can hop in the pool. Cycling is also a good option as there are many benefits of cycling enjoyment. To balance your stress hormones, all types of exercises are beneficial, no matter how intense they are.
Procrastinating the things
Being anxious, you could procrastinate things. But putting away the stressful task is not a good option and is not going to make it “go away”. The best method to be coping with stress is to regularly follow the to-do list and pursuing one thing at a time.
If you still don’t get how you need to get it done, try to compartmentalize your list of to-do into fragmented and manageable tasks. Every time when you complete, the brain releases dopamine, which gives you a sense of achievement to fight with swirling anxieties.
Low water intake
Many of the people even do not realize this and fail to drink sufficient water each day. You could not be having an exact idea that how much water you need to consume regularly. Do you drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily?
If no, then your chances of falling into anxiety could increase and numerous physical effects could be vivid. Dehydration may even alter your mental health since it ramps up your heart rate and makes you feel light-headed.
Not enough Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are responsible to enhance serotonin in the brain that eases anxiety and boosts your mind. Fats aid your brain, heart, and other organs to function at their best. Also, your sugar level is likely to fluctuate, if you don’t consume enough protein and relies only on carbohydrates this is an uptick in your anxiety.
It can make it out that the proper proportion of each of the nutritional value is crucial for your body to stay cherished and calm. You must also consume certain foods that improve your memory and lessens the anxiety level.