
Health Benefits of Sage Tea

The Benefits of Sage Tea

Popular since antiquity, sage is still a remedy used by people around the world to treat various ailments, especially in the form of infusion or tea. Salvia, a plant in the same family as mint, has a long history as a remedy for various diseases. The health benefits of sage tea have made it an elixir.   In fact, even the name comes from the Latin word “salvare”, which means to save. Today sage is used in many forms, one of the most popular and easy to use being tea. The sage infusion is drunk without added sweeteners or flavors and small amounts are often drunk.


Sage is a Powerful Antioxidant

Antioxidants are present in very large numbers in sage and, implicitly, in the infusion obtained from this plant. Antioxidants stop the harmful effects of free radicals and cleanse the body of toxins, preventing them from reaching cells and attacking tissues.

Sage tea can prevent the signs of premature aging and can reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and nervous system diseases.

Sage contains over 160 different polyphenols, which are plant chemicals that act in our body just like antioxidants. A study * showed that consuming sage tea (one cup or 240 ml) twice a day significantly increased the defense mechanism by which antioxidants work. Also, the consumption of sage tea lowered both total cholesterol and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol.


Reduces Menopausal Symptoms

Sage is beneficial in many purposes but it is best known to regulate menopause, specifically in the case of hot flashes. Moreover, to decrease the other menopausal symptoms, such as mood swings and overactive bladders sage tea is also very fruitful. It is very beneficial for women to cure problem-related to Menopausal symptoms.

Benefits of Sage Tea for Weight Loss

If a person wants to lose his weight then sage tea is a smart choice for them. It also helps to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol, which automatically helps to reduce obesity and fasten the metabolism, it is also appetite stimulant. Due to the presence of antioxidants properties, it helps to prevent oxidative stress, which can lead to fat deposition. This way ultimately sage tea benefits weight loss.


Weight Loss

If a person wants to lose his weight then sage tea is a smart choice for them. It also helps to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol, which automatically helps to reduce obesity and fasten the metabolism, it is also appetite stimulant. Due to the presence of antioxidants properties, it helps to prevent oxidative stress, which can lead to fat deposition.


Detoxifies the Body

To stimulate the kidney and liver sage tea helps a lot because it is a natural diuretic, it speeds up the process of toxic elimination from the body through urination. It helps to decrease the burden or stress on the kidney, liver and also on the lymphatic system. Sweating increase through the consumption of this tea which helps to detoxify the body through the skin.


Control Diabetes

Sage control the fasting blood glucose level in the body, which reduce the strain on the pancreas. Daily consumption of sage tea is beneficial for the diabetic patient which helps to prevent the harmful spikes and drops in glucose and insulin that diabetic patient has fear off.  All those who not a diabetic patient but genetically they have fear of this, they can intake sage tea regularly.


Improves Blood Circulation

Sage tea has significant levels of iron in it which further help improve blood circulation,  iron is a key component in the making of red blood cells. Sage helps to form new blood cells in the body and protect the old cells. With this body can effectively oxygenate cells and improve repair and function of the body.


Relieves Anxiety

Sage tea has the number of qualities, from that qualities one of is to control anxiety. It is having a quality to relax mood and nerves and it is considered to be a stimulant. Not only this it also improving focus and memory. The consumption of sage tea reduce chronic anxiety and increase performance in high-stress situations. A person should intake sage tea if he is suffering from rapid mood swings.


Boosts Appetite

To gain a lot of energy, food is must to eat in more quantity so sage tea is the best option to boost appetite. Those people who are recovering from an accident, surgery, or long-term illness, they need to eat a lot of and good food so that they can gain back their energy. Sage tea increase the capacity of a person to eat more food. It boosts the appetite of a person.


Remedy for Alzheimer’s

Because Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative disease, no treatment can completely cure it. However, it turned out that sage extract, consumed in the form of tea for 3-4 months, improves the memory of patients with this condition. Experts say sage inhibits the loss of acetylcholine, a substance that has been found in too small amounts in Alzheimer’s patients.


Beautiful Skin and Healthy Hair

Sage tea can also be applied to the skin and hair, in a more concentrated formula. Very oily skin can be balanced with a sage tea bath once every 3-4 days on previously cleansed skin. Allow the infusion to act until it dries completely on the skin, then rinse with warm water.


May Lower “bad” Cholesterol (LDL)

LDL cholesterol, also called “bad” cholesterol, is an important risk factor when it comes to cardiovascular disease. Sage can, however, lower LDL-cholesterol levels, which can build up in the arteries and cause problems. In a 2009 study *, consuming sage tea twice a day lowered LDL cholesterol and total blood cholesterol, while raising HDL cholesterol (also called “good” cholesterol) after only two weeks of consumption.


Aids in Digestion

Sage contains antioxidants and possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which can soothe an upset stomach and promote healthy digestion. [8] The antibacterial and antiviral qualities of this herb can also balance the microflora in the gut, ultimately, relieving excess flatulence, bloating, cramping, and constipation.


Other Benefits that Sage Has

Another beneficial effect of sage has been observed in patients with imbalances in blood fats (lipids). Those who drank sage tea for 2-3 months realized that there was a decrease in the concentration of triglycerides. Ancient physicians also used sage as a remedy for colds. Although its effects are not as strong as those of other plants, sage tea can be helpful in relieving sore throats.


Contraindications and Side Effects

Consumption of sage (tea, infusion, supplements, tincture, etc.) is not recommended for pregnant women, because it causes uterine contractions. Because it reduces milk secretion, it is not recommended for breastfeeding women, but sage can be used when weaning the baby. In addition, an excess of sage can cause gastrointestinal irritation and even seizures, regardless of the person.

See Also: 10 Healthy Herbal Teas You Should Try

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