The behavior of parents has a crucial impact on the mental health of children and could contribute to development of behavior or emotional problems in children. On the other hand some parents have no idea how parents shape their children’s mental health. The differences in the parenting style have been related to the personality of the parent and to the temperament of a child. Researchers have suggested that a child and parent characteristics both interactively and additively contribute to parenting behaviour.
The basis of childhood is built upon parents or caregivers, who assist from views of the world, shaping an attitude of children towards personal achievement, teaching way to approach difficulties in life and satisfy their requirements, be they psychological and physiological. A style of parenting is understood as a set of approaches and behaviors of a parent towards a child, so building an emotional surrounding in which the child is brought up in.
The base of good mental health is planted as early as in childhood. Parents happen to be the most powerful beings for the promotion of good mental health in their children’s lives. The experiences in the family are unique and the relationships made with parents or other members of family are very crucial to the social development of a child. When the child is born, the process of individual developments initiates with family with values, learning habits and language codes that make the child unique from others. That is the reason that why family plays a significant role in personality development of children.
A safe and secure family surroundings that fosters a positive emotional development and good self-esteem has lasting results. The upbringing of this type gives children the opportunity to reach adulthood with some exceptional psychological abilities. The traumatic upbringing can influence psychological wee-being of a child.
The main cause of behavioral and emotional problems in a child is his family environment. Any gesture, word, or behavior that’s aggressive will leave its footprints. It will change the behavior of a child and will leave an impression on the brain of the child.
Therefore, when kids grow up in such surroundings with detrimental parenting strategies, they tend to display certain characteristics:
- Less self-esteem
- Feeling that their need are not significant
- They hold a feeling that family dynamics such as aggression or disrespect are normal and permissible.
One of the most common manner that a traumatic childhood shows itself in adults is “Chronic Stress”.
When the children reside in unstable surroundings, they experience stress. Children’s behavior leads to significant anxiety when grow up without any attachment to a primary caregiver and feel insecure and unloved. In the initial stage, this type of tress is acute. However, it becomes permanent if goes over an enhanced time period.
Chronic stress may also affect the functionality of the brain. It can also alter memory and attention span. It leads to poor emotional management and hyperactivity.
Being grown up in unaffectionate surroundings makes children anxious for strong emotional relationships. They would like to feel safe and validated.
The constant feeling of losing such type of bond could lead to obsessive behavior. Being too much afraid, they can fall easily into co-dependent relations.
Growing up without feeling a security and safety of a caring family has certain results. If children lack an enriching surrounding that assist them to develop their own identity, they may grow up with certain psychological deficiencies. They could end up being hopeless and with low self-esteem.
It is really crucial to treat children’s mental health problems by their family
Parents affect the mental health of children in numerous ways. We must consider that the manner in which children are raised has serious influence on their lives. Every parent must pay attention to this and frame advanced alternatives with the assistance of positive behavior and language.
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Parents may affect the mental health of children in numerous ways. You need plenty of courage and assistance. By taking professional and specialized assistance will help you to get control of your life. You can make a healthy and dignified life for yourself and for your children, even with a traumatic past.
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