
What Does a Cavity Look Like When It Forms?

Maintaining good oral health is as important as maintaining overall health. Cavity is one of the most common tooth problems that many people face. These tiny holes can cause infection if they are left untreated. Many people wonder how does a cavity look like when it starts and how it can be treated. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the formation of cavities, the symptoms and treatment options.

What is a Tooth Cavity and How Does It Form?

A cavity is a physical hole that develops inside your tooth. Dental cavities are sometimes known as “caries,” “carious lesions,” or “tooth decay.”

Cavities arise as the outer layer of tooth enamel erodes. Germs (dental plaque) induce erosion by secreting acid byproducts (germ poop) when they break down food particles. These acids chip away at your tooth enamel until a hole forms.

Cavities, thankfully, are avoidable if you brush your teeth well enough to remove plaque particles every day. That means brushing for two minutes at least twice a day and flossing between every tooth, every day. When you break up the plaque, you prevent the acids from eroding your enamel and causing a cavity.

What does the Starting Phase of a Cavity Look like?

While it is difficult to perceive a cavity in its early stages, some cavities begin with a yellowish or chalky appearance on your tooth’s enamel. More severe forms of tooth decay may appear discoloured brown or black. However, most of the time, there are no discernible red alarms. So, how can you know whether you have a cavity when there are few early indicators of a cavity? A periodic X-ray at a dentist appointment can aid in the detection of tooth decay caused by a dental cavity. It’s just one more reason to maintain your regular six-month dental examinations.

What Does a Cavity Look Like on X-Rays?

You may be wondering what dentists check for when they examine teeth X-rays. They may be checking if a cavity forms in one or more of their teeth. A cavity appears on an X-ray as a darker area or shadow on a tooth. A conventional filling, on the other hand, looks like a considerably brighter area on the tooth.

What does a Cavity Filling Look like?

If you have a cavity, then most probably, your dentist will suggest you cavity filling process. Now, you may have a question about what a cavity filling looks like, right? The cavity-filling process involves applying conditioner, primer, and bonding to the affected tooth. After that, fill it with a composite resin that is a tooth-coloured filling material.

What does a Cavity Look Like on a Molar Tooth?

Cavities on molars look just like cavities on any other teeth. The only difference is that this cavity is situated on a molar tooth. Thus, the main differentiating factor is the place of the tooth decay. Apart from this, everything else looks the same.

How to Treat Cavity at Home?

The cavity is identified as small holes in teeth. As a result, there is no specific natural way to get rid of cavities at home. Only a dentist can help you get relief from cavities. However, home remedies can prevent cavities.

  • Aloe vera

Aloe vera tooth gel may help you fight bacteria that result in a cavity. The antibacterial effect of aloe vera tooth gel prevents the buildup of bacteria.

  • Avoid sugary drinks and foods

It is important to limit the consumption of sugary drinks and foods. When sugar gets mixed with bacteria in the mouth, it forms an acid that removes tooth enamel.

  • Eat licorice root

Antibacterial properties of liquorice can target S. mutans that cause cavities. According to a study, its antibacterial properties are comparable to chlorhexidine mouthwash.


Now, you have an idea of what a cavity is and how it forms. If you notice any signs of cavities, don’t ignore them and reach the dentist as soon as possible. You can follow the home remedies mentioned above to prevent tooth cavities. Furthermore, keep yourself up to date with health-related blogs by subscribing to Personal Care N Heal.

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