
Why are dreams Important and How do dreams affect sleep

If the dreams influence your quality sleep, then these are certainly not the good dreams. We still dream at night, whether we recall the dreams or not.  Many people in this world are sleep deprived. It is very crucial to learn about an ideal sleep, and the manner in which the sleep patterns may influence our health.

Do dreams influence the sleep quality?

Yes, dreams influence the sleep quality  and dreams are a crucial part in our life. The good sleep has been linked to the cognitive function and the emotional health. The researchers have also linked dreams with the memory, effective thinking, and emotional processing. The experts are of view that either dreaming is a reflection or a contributor to a quality sleep.

It is not deniable that not all the dreams are created equally. Some dreams affect sleep negatively. The bad dreams include content that is threatening, traumatic, or scary. If a bad dream makes a person to get awake from the sleep, it could be a nightmare.

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Are nightmares really worse for sleep?

The nightmares  really worse for sleep  then  they occur in repetition or are quite disturbing. Many of the people have a nightmare or a bad dream rarely and have no influence on the quality of their sleep.

This disorder of nightmare could be defined as the existence of frequent nightmares which interfere with the sleeping patterns of the person, their mood or thinking during whole day.  Some people who have nightmare disorder could have restless sleep with certainly number of awakenings and inability to get back to sleep.  Moreover, they may not get sleep due to the fear of disturbing dreams, also increasing the risk of insomnia and sleep deprivation.

The doctor must be consulted if a person has nightmares more than once a week, their sleep gets disrupted by nightmares, or they feel that their daytime mood, level of energy, or thinking is getting affected by nightmares. A doctor can intervene to diagnose the certain causes and can provide the treatment to eliminate the bothering dreams.

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Does our daily life get affected by dreams?

Understanding the influence of dreams on our regular life is still the subject to further research; however, there is the number of ways that dream can impact our waking hours:

  • Healthy dreaming could be the indication of a quality sleep that enhances sharp thinking and complete health.
  • Higher level of creativity can be seen in the people who remember their dreams. The creative insights could also be enhanced by integrating the imaginative thinking of dreams into the walking life.
  • Dreaming could give more inspirational thinking by forming the basic concept behind “following your dreams”.
  • It gets quite easier to remember any significant information as dreaming can increase memory consolidation.
  • People with certain mental disorders such as anxiety or stress disorders, could experience worse symptoms in conclusion of recurring nightmares.
  • Nightmares ay also cause daytime sleepiness, interrupt sleep, or thinking problems in a day.

How may one stop bad dreams and nightmares?

 If you often have bad dreams and nightmares, you may initiate by talking to the doctor who may analyze if you are suffering from a nightmare disorder. For its treatment, you could have to undergo medications and/or behavioral therapy. The frequency of bad dreams gets eliminated by maintaining sleep hygiene and improving habits. Some of the tips are:

  • To lower stress and anxiety, practice relaxation techniques which may instigate nightmares.
  • Allow yourself some time to wind down before time in a comfortable environment.
  • Before bed time avoid screen time for at least an hour and ensure that you don’t watch any scary content.
  • Stop intake of alcohol that affects REM sleep in the evening and before bed.
  • Even during weekends, keep a consistent sleep schedule, this way you may avoid sleep deprivation that may spur more REM (rapid eye movement sleep) sleep and intense dreaming.

Do nightmares and dreams get affected by sleeping positions?

It is still unclear that sleeping position is the one of the factors that may affect dreaming.

As per some researchers, dream content could vary depending upon the sleeping position of the person as pressure applied to the body is different for back, side sleepers, and stomach. According to one more study, “people who sleep on their left side were likely to have nightmares, in stomach sleepers vivid dreams like nightmares and erotic dreams persists”.

More research is required to make a link between nightmares and sleep positions and to answer “why are dreams important?” Also, don’t feel embarrassed to bring up the issue, since nightmares are not childish. They could alter your walking life, and social assistance with healthy lifestyle habits that plays a crucial role to lower their influence.


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