
Promoting Cancer Prevention on Cancer Awareness Day

Promoting Cancer Prevention on Cancer Awareness Day
Since 2014, the 7th of November has been designated as
National Cancer Awareness Day in India to raise public awareness about cancer detection, prevention, and treatment. On this day, numerous healthcare organisations, government agencies, and non-profit groups work together to arrange awareness campaigns, seminars, and screenings to commemorate National Cancer Awareness Day and work to reduce the cancer burden across the country.

Significance of National Cancer Awareness Day

Cancer is a broad term encompassing a variety of illnesses that can affect any part of the body. Cancer is distinguished by the rapid creation of abnormal cells that spread beyond their normal boundaries, infecting neighbouring body components and moving to other organs, a process known as metastasis. Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for about one crore fatalities in 2020. The following were the most common causes of new cases:

  • stomach cancer (10.09 lakh cases)

  • Colon and rectum cancer (19.3 lakh cases)

  • Lung cancer (22.1 lakh cases)

  • Prostate cancer (14.1 lakh cases)

  • Skin cancer (non-melanoma) (12 lakh cases)

  • Breast cancer (22.6 lakh cases)

History of National Cancer Awareness Day

Dr. Harsh Vardhan, India’s Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, established National Cancer Awareness Day in September 2014. A committee was formed in September 2014, and it was determined that National Cancer Awareness Day will be observed on the 7th of November every year in India, with the goal of raising awareness about the seriousness of various cancers, their symptoms, and treatment.

6 Cancer Symptoms

Symptoms caused by cancer will vary based on what part of the body is getting affected. Some symptoms associated with, but not specific to, cancer, include:

  • Weight changes, including intended gain or loss

  • Unexplained bruising or bleeding

  • Persistent cough

  • A lump that can be felt under the skin

  • Fatigue

  • Changes in bladder habits

Causes of Cancer

Changes (mutations) to the DNA within cells can lead to cancer. Inside a cell, DNA is packaged into different separate genes, each of which includes various instructions informing the cell what functions to execute as well as how to grow and divide. Errors in the instructions can cause the cell to discontinue its regular function and may lead a cell to become malignant.

How to Prevent Cancer?

How people can reduce the chances of getting cancer? There are various ways. It is accepted that lifestyle choices can greatly impact the chances of getting cancer.

  • Avoid tobacco use

Smoking has been related to various cancers, including lung, mouth, throat, voice box, pancreatic, bladder, cervix, and kidney cancer. Even being exposed to second-hand smoke may increase the risk of developing lung cancer. But it’s not just smoking that’s dangerous. Chewing tobacco has been associated with mouth, throat, and pancreatic cancer. Staying away from tobacco – or resolving to stop using it – is a vital step towards cancer prevention. Ask a healthcare provider about stop-smoking products and other ways of stopping tobacco for assistance.

  • Choose a healthy diet plan

Although switching from bad eating habits to a healthy diet plan can’t ensure cancer prevention, it may reduce the risk of getting cancer. Try to eat fruits and vegetables and other foods that come from plants, such as beans and whole grains. Eat lighter by choosing fewer high-calorie foods. Try to limit the consumption of sugary food items and alcohol.

  • Maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy weight might reduce the risk of some kinds of cancer. These include cancer of the prostate, breast, colon, lung, and kidney. You need to involve yourself in physical activity to reduce the risk of colon cancer and breast cancer. You can do aerobic activity for at least 125 minutes a week.

  • Get vaccinated

You should protect yourself from certain viral infections. You can get vaccinated against:

    • Hepatitis B

    • Human Papillomavirus (HPV)


The blog outlines the importance and history of Cancer Awareness Day. Additionally, it also explains symptoms, causes, and potential preventive measures of cancer. You can also ask your doctor to schedule a cancer screening exam. Moreover, subscribe to Personal Care N Heal to get informative health-related blogs.

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