In today’s blog, we’ve come up with information on foxtail millets in Hindi. Well, it is a type of grain eaten by many people. It is believed that a person can get numerous health benefits after eating foxtail millet. However, many people don’t know about this grain, hence, we are here to help you know about its benefits, nutritional facts, and side effects as well.
What is Foxtail Millet in Hindi called?
In Hindi, foxtail millet is known as कंगनी. The botanical name of foxtail millets is Setaria italica. The seed of foxtail millet is yellow and small in size. Its taste is bitter and sweet. It is the 2nd most cultivated crop in East Asia. It has been growing since 6000 BC by the Chinese. It is also known as Chinese millet in China. It takes around 90 days to be ready.
Other Names of Foxtail Millets
Foxtail millet’s scientific name is Setaria Italica. Primarily, it is known as Kangni in India. Different names are given to foxtail millets in different languages. To know foxtail millet ko hindi mein kya kahate hain, take a look at the below section:
Hindi – Cancun, Tangun, Kangni
Sanskrit – Kanguk, Sukumar, Kangni, Priyangu
Bengali – Kanidhan, Kaun, Kakani, Kangni Dana
Marathi – Resin, Kang, Cow
Gujarati – Kang
Punjabi – Kangni
Tamil – Kavalai, Kali, Kool, Kambankorai
Telugu – Kora, Koralu
What is the Nutritional Value of 100g Foxtail Millet?
Energy (kcal): 351
Fat (g): 4
Protein (g): 11.2
Carbohydrate (g): 63.2
Dietary fibre (g): 6.7
Calcium (mg): 31
Potassium (mg): 250
Vitamin A (mg): 32
Foxtail Millet Benefits in Hindi
Foxtail millets are good for minimizing high cholesterol. High cholesterol is the main cause of heart problems. Foxtail millet reduces bad cholesterol.
Good for strong digestion (मजबूत पाचन के लिए अच्छा है)
Foxtail millet has a lot of fibre, which is helpful in curing digestion. Fibre is good for cleaning the stomach. It improves our digestive system. It prevents problems like constipation and gastric ulcer.
Good for weight loss (वजन घटाने के लिए अच्छा है)
Foxtail millets are helpful in reducing weight. For reducing weight, it is important for the metabolism to recover. Foxtail millets consist of fibre that helps the metabolism to work efficiently. It gives you energy and minimizes your appetite. Therefore, if you want to reduce weight, then you can add foxtail millet to your diet.
Enhances beauty (खूबसूरती बढ़ाता है)
Foxtail millets are packed with Beta-Carotene. Carotene is good for the eyes, hair, and nails. It adds glow to your skin and is helpful in increasing overall physical beauty.
Good for children (बच्चों के लिए अच्छा है)
Most often, children refuse to have their meal properly due to this fact, they don’t get enough nutrients from the food. Foxtail millets contain calcium and many other minerals and vitamins along with fibre. It boosts the strength of the muscles and bones of children.
Disadvantages of Foxtail Millets
Foxtail millet shouldn’t be consumed if you have thyroid issues because goitrogen is present in foxtail millet which is to blame for thyroid issues.
Iodine cannot be absorbed (adsorption) by the body due to goitrogen. When it is heated or cooked, then the impact of goitrogen increases. Due to this fact, there can be iodine deficiency in the body.
Moreover, if you notice any severe side effects of foxtail millet, it is suggested not to consume it and contact a doctor immediately who has prescribed it. They can better guide you for your symptoms. Now, you know foxtail millet advantages and disadvantages, so make sure to consume it if it suits you.
How to Cook Foxtail Millet?
Wash the foxtail millet properly. Make sure to wash foxtail millets 5-6 times.
In a cup of foxtail millet, add 3 cups water to soak foxtail millet for at least one hour.
Now, take a pan with a thick bottom and put the washed and soaked foxtail millet and add 2.5 cups of water. Add salt according to your taste and boil it on high heat.
After one boil, heat it on low flame. Continue covering and uncovering the pan during the first 5-6 minutes. Take the lid off and drizzle some ghee and stir foxtail millets. Continue heating it till all the water is absorbed by the millet and it is ready to serve.
The blog shares foxtail millet in Hindi name, its health benefits, disadvantages and cooking method. Moreover, for more amazing health blogs subscribe to Personal Care N Heal.
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