
Calories in Homemade Dahi and Calories in One Bowl of Curd

Calories in Homemade Dahi

In this blog you will read on calories in curd, calories in one bowl of curd, calories in homemade dahi, calories in dahi, calories in curd 1 cup. From Indian people to foreigners, everyone loves to have curd with a meal. While having curd with any food, you must know some nutritional facts of curd as well. Plus, you should know how many calories in one bowl of curd. Yogurt, dahi, or curd is an essential part of the diet. This is the reason why it is important to know calories in curd 1 cup.

In the market, there is a variety of dahi available. Dahi calories depend on the content of fat and sugar. Therefore, you’ll see some differences between low-fat or fat-free dahi. Now, it’s time to discuss curd calories, curd benefits, and side effects as well.

Nutritional Facts of Curd

Calories in Homemade Dahi

Do you know the number of calories in dahi? Fat-free or calories in one bowl of curd or 128 grams of curd contains 100 calories. Whereas milk has 90 calories, and dahi offers more protein as compared to milk.

Calories in homemade dahi give 142 calories. Homemade dahi made from cow’s milk is protein and calcium-rich. Calories in one bowl of curd offer around 7% of the daily calorie requirements.

Protein in Curd

Apart from the curd calories, curd consists of protein around 10-12 grams, but it will depend on the curd type. For the body’s growth and development, protein-rich products are necessary.


Curd is enriched with calcium that is good for bones and teeth. Apart from this, it helps in muscle contracting and blood clotting.

Vitamin and Minerals

Not only dahi calories can promote good health, but vitamins and minerals play a vital role in the human body. Vitamin and minerals depend on the type of milk that is used during the process of making curd.


If calories in dahi are important, on the other hand, phosphorus is also important for health. Phosphorus is a good source of the development and repairing of cells and tissues.

Now, you have an answer to your question that how many calories in curd 1 cup. Now, ending up with dahi calories, now let’s discuss how to make curd at home.

Mostly, every Indian knows how to make dahi at home because curd is an important part of Indian meal. Follow the below steps to make dahi at home using cow’s milk:

  • Boil milk and let it cool
  • Whip more than a tablespoon of curd in a bowl
  • Add warm milk to whipped curd and whisk it well
  • Cover it properly and let it rest for approximately 5 to 6 hours
  • During the winter season, place the bowl under warm place, and it can take approximately 10 to 12 hours
  • Place it in the refrigerator and use it

Dahi which is made from cow’s milk is not only tasty, but it is packed with nutrients. Apart from calories in dahi, it consists of protein, phosphorus, and calcium that help in strengthening bones. Plus, it has less fat than full fat buffalo’s milk.

Health Benefits of Curd

The following are some health benefits of curd:

  • Improve Digestive System

You may often hear that curd is beneficial if you have an upset stomach. Curd is probiotic-rich, which means it contains live bacteria. Curd is helpful in relieving stomach problems.

  • Boost Immunity

Curd has the ability to fight against diseases causing germs, and it keeps your gut protected. Curd is rich in protein, vitamin, and lactobacillus that help in boosting immunity.

  • For Glowing Skin

Yogurt can eliminate early signs of aging. It promotes your beauty and moisturizes your skin. It removes dead skin cells and nourishes dry skin naturally. For face pack, yogurt is the best beauty ingredient as it contains lactic acid that clears off dead cells.

  • Minimizes High Blood Pressure

Curd helps in minimizing blood pressure. As per the research at the American Heart Association (AHA), curd can lower the risk of hypertension. Additionally, if you consume non-fat curd, then you are less likely to face high blood pressure problem.

  • Promotes Bone Health

As you know, calcium-rich products are good for the bone. Hence, dahi is enriched with calcium, and it also promotes bone health. Regular intake of yogurt can strengthen your bones.

  • Helps in Losing Weight

More fat can lead to overweight, and fat is accrued around the waist because of imbalance hormone. As you know, curd calories are less in numbers, so curd can help in maintaining your weight. Yogurt is rich in calcium that produces less cortisol and helps in reducing weight. When you consume curd, you feel full, and as a result, you eat less. Basically, it helps in consuming fewer calories.

  • Removes Dandruff

If you are fed up with dandruff, then you can use curd as a remedy to remove dandruff. You can apply a paste of curd and henna on your scalp and after half an hour, wash it. With this method, you’ll get shinier and smoother hair, and you’ll get rid of dandruff. Otherwise, you can get a consultation from your doctor.

Side Effects of Dahi

If you intake curd in the right way, then you can receive plenty of health benefits. Apart from the advantages of curd, you must know it’s another side. Curd has some side effects because of the below reasons:

  • Low-fat sugar may contain added sugar, which is not good for diabetic patients. Even it can lead to heart and diabetes problems.
  • If you have a milk allergy, then maybe you won’t be able to eat products that are made from milk.
  • Some people are not able to tolerate lactose, so in such a case, you must avoid consuming it.


Curd contains a lot of nutrients that are needed for our body. Even consuming food with curd adds more taste to food. Calories in curd 1 cup depending on the type of curd and milk that is used to make curd. In this blog, you have learnt calories in homemade dahi, health benefits of curd, curd side effects, calories in one bowl of curd, and much more.

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