
Salmon Fish in Tamil: Benefits and Side Effects of Salmon Fish

Get to know different names of salmon fish as salmon fish in Tamilsalmon fish in Telugu, and salmon fish in Malayalam. Salmon fish is very popular in India, and it is highly demanded because of potential health benefits as it is rich in vitamin B, fatty acids, proteins, and other elements. Salmon is found in the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans and is native to North America. Around 6 different species are found in that region, which are Chinook, Coho, Atlantic, Chum, Sockeye, and Pink. Name of Salmon Fish in Tamil Salmon fish in Tamil is called Kaala Meen சால்மன் மீன். It has many Tamil local names that people call it, such as:

  • Peruvanjaram
  • Kaala
  • Thiravalai
  • Seenakaala
  • Pozhakada
  • Indian Threadfin

Salmon fish is an Indian-originated fish. It is found in ponds, and these fish also sell out commercially. You can get the same class of salmon fish in India that is called Indian salmon fish. Apart from this salmon fish in Telugu is called Maga (మాగా), Budatha maga (బుదతా మాగ). It doesn’t have a particular name, but people have made different names to call it in the Telugu language. Telugu people call it by different names, such as:

  • Mega Chepa
  • Budatha maga
  • Sanduva
  • Pandugappa

Salmon fish in Hindi is called Rawas (रावास). Salmon is oily fish and it is categorized by the ocean in which it is found. There are plenty of health benefits of salmon fish and side effects as well. There are different names of salmon fish, such as:

  • In Bengal: Gurjali fish
  • In Odia: Sahal Puri or Sahalo
  • Salmon fish in Malayalam: Kora or Kaala Meen (സാൽമൺഫിഷ്)
  • Punjabi: Raavaas
  • Nepali: Salmon Maccha

Nutritional Facts of Salmon Fish A 100 g serving of salmon fish contains:

  • 232 kcals
  • 2 g protein
  • 6 g fat
  • 20 mcg selenium
  • 3 mcg vitamin D

Health Benefits of Eating Salmon Fish The following are some health benefits of salmon fish:

  • Healthy Heart

Salmon fish has omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are important because human body is unable to produce them, so you should include them in your diet. The most important fatty acids called long-chain that occur naturally in oily fish in the form of DHA and EPA. These fatty acids are beneficial for the heart and help maintain hormonal balance, skin, and joints.

  • Good for Brain Function

According to studies, daily consumption of salmon can minimize age-related brain loss and help improve memory. This is possible because of its omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Anti-Inflammatory

Oily fish is beneficial to reduce inflammation effect that helps to manage various chronic diseases, including cancer and diabetes.

  • Protein-Rich

Salmon is rich in protein. Protein is also an important nutrient like omega-3 fatty acid that you should include in your diet. Protein plays a vital role in the body, including offering good bone health, healing your body after injury, and maintaining muscle mass during the aging and weight loss process.

  • High in Vitamin B Content

It has essential vitamin B elements in 3.5 ounces of wild salmon:

  1. Vitamin B1 (thiamin): 18% of the RDI
  2. Vitamin B12: 51% of the RDI
  3. Vitamin B3 (niacin): 50% of the RDI
  4. Vitamin B6: 47% of the RDI
  5. Vitamin B5: 19% of the RDI
  6. Vitamin B9: 7% of the RDI
  7. Vitamin B2(Riboflavin): 29% of the RDI
  • Great Source of Potassium

Salmon is a rich source of potassium. Wild salmon fish offers 18% of the RDI per 100 grams, and farmed fish produces 11 % of the RDI. Potassium helps to control your blood pressure and also minimizes the risk of stroke.

  • Packed with Selenium

Selenium is found in foods and soil. Your body needs selenium in small amounts, but still, you need to incorporate selenium into your diet. When you consume salmon, then it will improve blood levels.

  • Helps in Weight Control

If you eat salmon frequently, then it can help you lose weight. Like other protein-rich foods, it helps in regulating the hormones that can control hunger and make you feel full for a longer time. In addition to this, when you eat protein-rich foods, then your metabolic rate increases. According to research, omega-3 fats in fatty fish like salmon can promote weight loss and reduce belly fat.

  • Very Tasty

Salmon fish is very tasty, and it has a unique flavor than other fatty fish, such as mackerel and sardines. You can steam, grill, bake and sauté it. Salmon Fish Side Effects

  • Don’t eat raw salmon because it can cause infection.
  • Raw salmon may have parasites and harbor bacteria. Some of these could occur naturally or because of improper management. So don’t go for raw salmon, cook it well and then eat it.
  • The skin and layer of salmon where the chemicals are found.
  • Don’t eat salmon in excess because it can cause bleeding problems.

Summing Up
Now you have an idea of what do people call salmon fish in Tamil, the benefits of salmon and the side effects of salmon fish. Salmon comes with plenty of health benefits. If you consume two servings of salmon, then it can help you fulfill your nutrient requirements. It can also alleviate the risk of various diseases. In addition to this, salmon is tasty and versatile. If you include this fatty fish in your diet, then it can improve your quality of life.


Salmon Fish in Tamil Name

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