
Ash Gourd in Hindi: Nutrition and Ash Gourd Juice Benefits

ash gourd in Hindi
ash gourd in Hindi

Read some plant benefits and their different names, such as ash gourd in Hindi, ash gourd in Tamil, ash gourd in Telugu, Giloy in Tamil, thyme in Tamil, and Athimathuram benefits.

Overview: Ash Gourd in Hindi

The botanical name of ash gourd is Benincasa Hispida which is popularly known as winter melon, Chinese watermelon, wax gourd, white pumpkin, and fuzzy melon. Ash gourd is a vegetable, and it is often referred to as fruit that is native to India, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and China.

Different names of ash gourd

Ash gourd in HindiPetha (पेठा)
In BengaliKumra, Chalkumra
Ash gourd in Tamilசாம்பல் பூசணிக்காய், Neer Pusanikai
In MalayalamKumbalanga
In ManipurTorobot
Ash gourd in TeluguGray Pumpkin, బూడిద పొట్లకాయ

Nutrition Facts of Ash Gourd
Nutritional value of 100 grams of raw ash gourd:

  • Fat: less than 1 grams
  • Calories: 13
  • Carbs: 3 grams
  • Zinc: 6% DV
  • Protein: less than 1 gram
  • Riboflavin: 8% DV
  • Vitamin C: 14% DV
  • Fibre: 3 grams

Ash gourd contains several nutrients, and it offers a cooling effect because of its high water content. Besides this, ash gourd offers various vitamins and minerals. Ash gourd has some medicinal properties that can treat jaundice, fever, and diabetes. Ash gourd juice benefits you in promoting hair growth.

Ash Gourd Juice Benefits

  • Ash gourd helps in preventing bleeding as it is a natural anticoagulant. You can use it to treat external bleeding.
  • Ash gourd juice can treat stomach-related problems, such as gas and constipation.
  • If you have a urine infection, then you must try ash gourd juice once.
  • You can reduce weight by drinking ash gourd juice, or you can say that it can maintain a healthy weight.
  • Ash gourd juice is good for skin and hair.

Overview: Giloy in Tamil

For many years, Giloy has been used for various health problems. You can utilize the stem and root of the Giloy to treat certain health problems. Giloy is known by different names in different languages, such as Giloy in Tamil: சீந்தில் (Seenthal), in English: Tinospora, Marathi: Giloya, Sanskrit: Amrita, Amritavalli, Guduchi, and Gujrati: Gilaya.

Health Benefits of Giloy

  • It has antioxidants that help to keep your cells healthy and boost your immune system.
  • Giloy can improve your digestive system.
  • If you have a chronic fever, then you can use Giloy to get rid of chronic fever.
  • Diabetic patients should try Giloy once.
  • If you are battling stress and anxiety, then Giloy can help remove toxins from your body and relieve stress.

Overview of Athimathuram

Athimathuram is a plant that is used as a flavoring agent. Athimathuram is good for the digestive and respiratory systems. Athimathuram benefits you in reducing gastric symptoms, such as duodenal ulcers, abdominal colic, and heartburn, chronic gastric and burning sensation in the abdomen.

Athimathuram Benefits

  • If you are suffering from an ulcer in your stomach, then you can try licorice powder. Add licorice powder to water and let it soak overnight and with the rice porridge, drink it in the morning.
  • Licorice can treat arthritis problems as some people suffer from arthritis problems because of increased air conditioning.
  • Licorice promotes healthy hair. Add Mulethi powder to cow’s milk and apply the paste to your scalp.
  • You can go for licorice root extract if you are suffering from stress.
  • Various beauty industries use Athimathuram to make a face pack.
  • Athimathuram reduces inflammation as it has antiulcer and antioxidant properties.

Overview: Thyme in Tamil

Thyme in Tamil is known as வறட்சியான தைம். Thyme is an herb that offers dietary, medicinal as well as ornamental properties. Thyme is known with other different names such as garden thyme, French thyme, pote, rubbed thyme, thymus, oil of thyme, Huile de thyme, white thyme oil, Vulgaris, and Huile de thyme rouge, etc. Various diseases can be treated with the help of thyme leaves, flowers, and oil. Thyme has antibacterial properties, and if you have an acne problem, then you can use it.

Thyme has chemicals that help to manage fungal and bacterial infections and irritations. Health benefits of thyme:

  • Thyme has an aqueous extract that helps in controlling blood pressure levels in hypertension situations.
  • According to studies, thyme oil can control COX-2 that can develop inflammatory problems.
  • Consumption of thyme can reduce cough, upper respiratory tract infection, or common cold.
  • Thyme is a good source of vitamin C and vitamin A that help in boosting the immune system.
  • Thyme oil promotes oral health. It works to kill bacteria. Thyme can be used as a mouthwash.
  • It also promotes eye-sight. Thyme manages eye-sight related issues.
  • It can alleviate menstrual pain as well.
  • It is a good source of vitamin K, iron, calcium, and manganese that improve bone health.

All of the above plants have medicinal properties that help in boosting overall health. So, you can add these vegetables/fruits/plants to your diet to promote well-being. However, make sure to get a consultation from your doctor before adding these herbs because some can cause harm to your health.

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